Thursday, May 21, 2015

Internship Summary

Madisyn Wunderli

Internship Summary 

I Interned at Ogio International at the begging of the year I filed and did some accounting work and just

what anybody least priority jobs they gave them to me and I would do those. I moved up to the

reception front desk and was on the phones for most of the time. Accounting still gave me projects to do

and I was able to do a lot of things and jobs for people and expand my work experience in all different


I was able to do accounting, graphic design, warranty, file clerk, and reception desk the most important

thing I learned and experienced was just how a business worked and ran and the back side of it and how

in accounting there were so many different things that have to go right for the company to keep

running. I loved being able to see all different sides to the work place and get to know people and what

they do.

When I was doing accounting I learned so much from people and all the different type of people and

jobs that need to work and run right for a company to run right. I learned how expensive shipping is and

all of the customer office parts of it. People can be very mean and very needy with what they want and

when they want it. People can really screw over a company like Ogio moved their shipping location to

California and it was a mess at first and they weren’t cooperating or answering our phone calls because

they were behind and late on their part.

I haved loved working and interning at Ogio it has taught me so much and I have learned how to behave

act and work hard in a work place.

Journal #6/7

Madisyn Wunderli 


Journal #6/ #7 Appreciation

This week was pretty stressful and hard. There were a ton of calls that came in with angry customers

about their bags not being there. The place we ship has been screwing up all the orders and screwing up

when and what to ship. I had to deal with different questions and different and angry people.

I hate when I am the customer and I need help and those people are rude to me and already have a tone

with me. It is your job so you shouldn’t already sound annoyed. It makes the experience for the

customer and you so much worse. It makes me not want to shop or buy anything or use their business.

I know when a person is nice to me or very helpful I want to come back and use their business again.

When I am the person on the other line trying to help someone I try to give them as many options for

them as I can. Its so nice when people are thankful for you and your good service.

I worked on a project for hours and days and it took me so long and so much effort to make it look good

and my teacher didn’t really appreciate or look through it. She just passed it off and gave me a score like

everyone else. It sucks when you don’t get acknowledged about the good hard work you’ve done or any


Journal #5

Madisyn Wunderli


Journal #5


These two weeks I have been doing the same thing. Still answering the phones and working on a

warranty project, giving people their mail, sending out mail, and answering customer’s emails back. The

most interesting thing I did was take on this new project I had to create a power point presentation for

someone to use that was stressful because it had to be good and what they wanted and more. It was

helpful and a good experience for me to do that, I had to follow directions but still put my twist on it.

It’s hard to accept other peoples authority because you want to be right and its difficult always

being told what to do and how you are supposed to do it. And when the person is wrong and you know

that is not the right thing or way to do something.

At school I am supposed to show up on time and do what I am told, same with at work. There is

a certain expectation that is the same at work and school but also very different. At work it is the real

world and you are helping a business when at school you are there to better your knowledge and learn

from people and have a teacher tell  you what to do and how to do it.

If I was a supervisor I would want my employees to work hard show up on time, be honest in

their job, help others, make sure they respect themselves, superiors, and other coworkers. I would be

pretty mad if someone was rude to me in how I do things or was upset I would hear what their reasons

were but if they weren’t respecting what I have said or told them it wouldn’t benefit them.

Journal #4

Journal #4 

Madisyn Wunderli


So these past two weeks I worked on a new project. I got trained on how to do it and then they let me

do it on my own. I was also at the front desk working the phones so I had to balance everything out and

answer the phones and send out the mail. It has been fun and I am learning a lot.

Well their relationship is probably based on a lie because they are being dishonest about a lot of things

and if they are lying and tricking people those people probably don’t trust them at all.

In a class one time my friend kind of cheated but not really he just didn’t put in any effort or work. I

worked really hard and went in for help, then when we got our grades back my friend had a better grade

then me when he put in no effort. Its really annoying but if they needed that to just get by and not be

stressed its ok.

Journal #3

Madisyn Wunderli
Journal #3

These last two weeks i got a new type of job i still am the receptionist and i still account for lock boxes and things like that but now i am emailing a company with their mistakes and making sure they don't keep doing it wrong and to not be charging us. I am still getting the hang of it but so far it has gone good. 

i think people sometimes sabotage their own efforts because they become lazy or they think they can just put it off. in their mind they talk themselves out of it. i sabotage my own efforts some of the time because i just don't have the motivation and i don't really think of the big picture and what it would offer me and others. 

Because in one day to hope you could become a manager and i just think that with knowing the basics of everyone else's job it makes yours go smoother and you can improve and be better at yours when you have a basic understanding of the effort and time it takes for others to do their jobs. 

by knowing how your job works and how others benefit from you doing your job right makes a huge difference and then you also knowing others jobs so you can help them succeed and you all work off each other. a job isn't some individual network you all are trying to make the business thrive and by knowing what each other do will help benefit you and your work ethic but also the business.

Journal #2

Madisyn Wunderli 


Journal #2 Attendance

This week was pretty slow. I was working the front desk again and not that many calls came in but when

they did I was able to redirect them to the person they needed to talk to. I sorted mail, sent emails,

delivered mail, worked on a warranty project, made a power point for a meeting, and answered phone

calls. I had a couple of calls that I didn’t know the answers to but I asked my boss about them and she

explained and helped me learn what it was I needed to know and that helped me answer any other

questions I would get like that.

It’s annoying when people are late or don’t show up. You are counting on them and if they bail it’s much

harder I have seen or been aware for when I can’t come into work I need to let them know a head of

time so it isn’t such a burden when I am not there.

The benefits of arriving on time are your co-workers trust you and can count on you being there when

you are needed. With working at the front desk it is really annoying when the mail guys are late because

we need things to be sent out and if they are late that affects us and the customer.

journal #1

Journal #1

“ Attitude”

So this last two weeks I have been learning and doing the receptionist job. So I have been up in

the front answering phones, responding to emails, transferring peoples calls, giving people their mail,

etc. It has been really fun and I also am doing accounting stuff in my spare time. It gets a little crazy

sometimes trying to multi task and doing all these things.  Everyone is warming up to me now and trust

me with jobs and being responsible its really fun to be the receptionist cause I am getting to learn new

things about everyone’s job .

I think it means if you can either be optimistic or negative. to have your glass half full is an

optimistic way of looking at life. I would think my glass goes full to empty real quick. I try to be optimistic

but sometimes it doesn’t work out and I am in one of those moods and just not feeling being the happy

type of person. There are many people at my internship site that are half empty type of people and it

really affects their work ethic and mood.